Monday, August 9, 2010

Protein Rules

DAY 133

I'm back! A busy food week along with a significant road trip to the Middle of Nowhere (lovely but no internet access) put me behind by 6 days! Perhaps you thought I was out purchasing goats and chickens?

Lots to report...first, too many vegetables are not necessarily a good thing...I struggled this week in my personal veggie is really not working for me! Less than a week into it and I am having nightmares about eating beets - not OK.

I really need to find an eating balance with a little less fiber and a little more protein. My wise and cool friend Catherine has lived through a vegetarian to omnivore (plant and animal eater) journey and has experienced the NEED for protein. She and her family eat very healthy, local food and she has researched supplements, vitamins, nutrition and how it all relates - thanks Cat!

I know that my protein need is real - and very related to my thyroid problem...don't worry - I am not about to share ALL my health issues with what my Dad used to call an "organ recital" - get it? haha.

So, I went to Lori's Natural Foods, Palmer's Meat Market, and the Public Market all in my town - but no chicken from NY! Normally, if I were not doing the "Made in NY" thing - I could eat almonds, black beans and chick peas for protein, but this month I need to add the chicken...Being a Veg at heart, it grosses me out to prepare it but I will block it out for this month...There is a farm store in Victor, NY (Health and Harmony) that raises organic, free-range, happy chickens - but I would have to buy the whole chicken and I really cannot bring myself to do it. wonderful people and their store looks great - I will check it out with a visit ASAP...

Somehow it is less animal looking when it comes as a chicken breast vs not still looking like a CHICKEN. Deep. I compromised and bought some happy chicken at the Public Market from Fare Game (thanks Jerry and Gary!) Their chicken is from Canada, eh.

The other challenge is to really stick to the NY food especially when I am craving a Coke (not real food bottled in Atlanta)...more on that tomorrow.

I will leave you with these tips from my super smart friend Shelby - one of my "Locavore" Idols!

* Plan for at least 5 days a week of local foods. Give yourself credit for doing this 5 times more than most Americans and let yourself off the hook for your two busiest days.

* Remember that small and regional businesses need your help. Buying locally produced products (like bread) which use flour from other states is STILL way better than buying bread made in other states and shipped to you.

* This will get easier as your freezer gets stocked and you can (if you plan to) some tomatoes, peaches, pears, etc.

* Remember you can put zucchini in almost everything.

Have a Nothing New Day! Kristin


  1. Don't you find zucchini an interesting veggie? It is very easy to grow(sometimes too easy-people are always trying to give theirs away), has no nasty flavor and when eaten raw(with a dip, of course) or added to almost any recipe, hopefully is full of vitamins and other good stuff. Hmmm, has anyone ever tested it?

  2. My favorite way to prepare beets: placed cut beets into bowl with enough balsamic vinegar and maple syrup just to coat, a dash of sea salt and roast at 450 till cooked through.

    And did you know? Chinese wolfberries (lycium barbarum) are a wonderful source of plant protein? Learn more @
    Organica Jane

  3. Thanks Mom and Amy! I will be getting me some zuccs tomorrow at the Public Market AND some beets (recipe sounds fantastic Amy!....Wolf berries? Hmmmm - I will go hunting for those - cool!

  4. Oh - Wolf berries are gogi berries! I had those in South Africa...I think they are best in shakes and in cooked things, right? I remember them being a little "challenging" to eat raw/dried because I was expecting them to taste like Craisins - not so much! Will continue The Wolf Berry Quest nonetheless...
