Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fitness Renaissance - 12 Weeks - Bring It On!


Finishing up the book - yay!  Will keep you posted and share "DONE" when it is in hand - end of June...

I had the chance to speak at a conference for the National Association of Women in Construction on Saturday - with two other wonderful women, Jenn Sertl and Maureen Burdick...it was called "Women Finding Power in Numbers" and we spent the day affirming all the ways we can be more deliberate, impactful and open. Excellent conversation, new ideas and positive energy filled the room!  Special thanks to MJ Naberhaus from O'Connell Electric for heading up a stellar committee and to the Builder's Exchange for the perfect meeting space.

We all committed to grounding new habits in the next 21 days (til June 8) - habits that will reinforce something we need to start, stop or continue doing...Wrote a note to ourselves to be received in the mail 3 weeks from now as a reward/reminder. Here are mine:

Stretch    Daily
Swim      3 x a week
Write      Daily (new book in progress!)

On a larger scale, I have decided to use these habits to jumpstart a 12 week "campaign" for myself - May 20-August  9 - to commit to get myself on a better track - physically, intellectually and emotionally. I am on Day 2 - yay! So far so good!  Mapped out the next two weeks of swimming 7-8am), as well as when I am going to sail - May 23, 26, and June 1-2 - I want be sure I am doing more than working, eating and sleeping...add in my Garden and I think I will feel pretty well rounded.  Swam this morning and it felt great....I am blessed to be able to do this!

There is a weight loss goal here as well - I learned from Maureen on Saturday that just a 7% drop in weight can dramatically reduce my chance of heart disease - OK then!  I am on it...Apparently, the signs and symptoms of heart disease in women can be camouflaged in high blood pressure, weight gain in the "middle" and fatigue...Here is the Mayo Clinic's view:


Diet, exercise and rest - the trifecta of healthy living - yes!  So simple and obvious AND profound.

Thank you Jenn for these reminders...I also have a theme song (Home by Phillip Phillps - "Settle down, it'll all be clear...") and using a bamboo plant as my strength symbol to remind me I am resilient, have all my basic needs met, and growing daily...(bamboo needs only water, a little light and kind words to thrive).

I will keep you posted - anyone want to join me in these 12 weeks???

Have a Nothing New Day!


Sunday, February 24, 2013


Hello and Greetings from "It's Still Winter in NY" :)

Had a great opportunity to attend the Susan B. Anthony Birthday Celebration thanks to Bill Spelman and Megan Spelman - Excellent social time with colleagues and a thought provoking keynote from Suzan Johnson Cook, the US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom...check out her bio here http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/163202.htm.

Ms. Cook's personal and visionary words reminded us of Ms. Anthony's charge to DO ONE THING... "If everyone would do one thing they have the time and energy to do…no matter how small or inconsequential they think it might be…it would make all the difference." - Susan B. Anthony

AFFIRMATION - Yay! OK then, yes I will! I can DO ONE THING (every day?!) to make all the difference...one kind conversation, one more recycled cup, one less plastic fork, one smile, one more bag of clothing out of my closet, one more investment in a friendship, one...

REMINDER - Yes! The luncheon also got me thinking that there were times my Nothing New Year efforts felt small - there are people out there doing so much more than I am to increase their impact and reduce their footprint...then I was reminded that one thing can make a difference - that I am doing my part...

ACTION - Join me! I am heading to the ACPA Conference on Friday (in Vegas - yikes - I am nervous - all I know about Vegas is from the movie, The Hangover...) and will be inviting people to DO ONE THING at the Convention to "Lead Green" - with their money, time, energy, resources...such as; use the same towels all week, reusable mug for your coffee, take your trash home to recycle, follow up on a relationship, skip the Vegas souvenirs and bring home photos, stories and ideas...get it?

The Teamworks website will soon have a forum for just this - how you are leading green in different aspects of your life - how you are maximizing your capacity for impact beyond your presence or involvement...stay tuned!

More to follow - have a Nothing New Day! and DO ONE THING! 


Thursday, January 24, 2013

It is Happening!

Hello Friends! The book is underway!!! Cover designer working with me now - yay! February 22 will launch the design..."Living Lean and Green - A Year of Nothing New (How I stopped shopping and started saving). PS - Snow covered garden and solid frozen ground is good for the garlic! But stay warm out there! Happy 2013 to you...